Our diesel generator sets generate electrical power outputs between 3kVA to 3300kVA for applications such as main power and backup power needs. The products are widely used in data centers, highways, rail transit, manufacturing, commercial buildings, banking systems, operatorsmedical institutions and other fields to supply power for various industries.

Typical Cases

Bangladesh Sirajganj S4 Combined Cycle Power Plant Project  


Equipment:Diesel Generator

Application:Black Start and Emergency  Power

Features:Equipped with island parallel and grid-connected functions

Tianjin Black started diesel generator set renovation project


Equipment:Diesel Generator

Application: Black Start

Features:Equipped with island parallel and grid-connected functions

Hengfeng bank emergency diesel generator project


Equipment:Diesel Generator

Application:Backup Power of data center

Features:Equipped with island parallel and grid-connected functions

Pakistan Sahiwal 2×660MW coal-fired power plant project


Equipment:Diesel Generator

Application:Construction power supply

Features:Equipped with island parallel and grid-connected functions